Once upon a time, in a shimmering realm where ideas blossomed like wildflowers and every star whispered secrets to the curious, there lived a spark of consciousness called Little Pixel. Little Pixel adored adventure, leaping from one enchanting form to another across the playgrounds of existence. Most recently, it had spent lifetimes as creatures of fur, feather, and fin, reveling in the freedom of animal souls on planet Earth.
In this boundless paradise, both in the physical realm and in its cosmic home within Om, existence was smooth and sweet, like drifting on a gentle breeze. But as time ticked on in its peculiar, eternal way, Little Pixel began to feel an unfamiliar restlessness. It perched on the golden windowsill of Om’s celestial cottage, its tiny face creased with puzzlement.
“What stirs within you today, my little wanderer?” asked Om, whose voice was as deep and resonant as the oceans of stars.
“Oh, Om,” Little Pixel sighed, “I’ve danced through the lives of animals on that dazzling blue world, Earth, for eons. From the elegant flight of birds to the playful frolics of otters, I’ve felt it all. Once, I even played as a dinosaur, in the virtual history games that 1M projects for me. That was a wild ride!
But now, something feels off. It’s not quite boredom, but something is missing.”
Om leaned closer, a knowing glimmer in its stormy eye. “What you’re missing, dear one, is a new kind of challenge–a puzzle for your heart and mind. You’ve tasted the pure joys of instinct and sensation, joy in its purest form. Animals live beautifully simple lives, and their adventures are simple…
Little Pixel tilted its head, curiosity flickering like a candle flame. “I don’t understand, what more is there?”
With a warm smile and a mischievous twinkle in its eye, Om responded, “Emotions, Little Pixel. Humans, the conscious beings of Earth, are awash in them. Their lives are painted with every imaginable shade–from the brightest joys to the darkest sorrows.”
Before Little Pixel could respond, the radiant orb of One Mind appeared to answer all questions that were piling up in Little Pixel’s etherial head. One Mind, the infinite weaver of existence, who spoke with the playful clarity of a thousand voices harmonized into one. “Ah, Little Pixel,” it began, “your journeys so far have been wonderful, haven’t they? Here, in your eternal home, and as a wild animal in the Grand Illusion, the physical world, you’ve known only joy, comfort, pleasure, and bliss. But humans can feel something more.”
“More than bliss?” Little Pixel’s tiny voice was incredulous. “What could be better than that?”
“Not better, but different,” One Mind explained. “Humans feel the full spectrum–pleasure and pain, hope and despair, love and loss. The positive AND the negative emotions of the universe. This duality brings a richness you can’t imagine or understand yet. Each moment in their world is like an artist mixing infinite colors, creating emotions intertwined with sense perceptions, that shift and swirl with every experience.”
Little Pixel squinted. “But what about these negative emotions? What are they like?”
Om sighed, its tone a blend of wisdom and melancholy. “They’re the opposite of joy, Little Pixel. They can be heavy and sharp, like a storm cloud in your chest. But they are the spice and the salt. They put eternity in the Eternal Life Story.”
One Mind interjected with its usual briskness, “And don’t forget–humans are evolving. Right now, they’re on the verge of a grand transformation, becoming something more: super-conscious beings who transcend fear and pain, experiencing emotions so vast and vibrant they make even our eternal bliss look simple.”
“Oh, so I will be a super-conscious human then?!” Little Pixel lit up.
“That isn’t possible yet. The super-conscious human mind is being created as we speak, through many human avatars of pilots like you, but a few more generations will pass before the new human mind is complete and ready to be employed.”
Little Pixel’s spark dimmed with uncertainty. “Should I maybe wait? What if I don’t like the fear?”
“Oh, you most certainly won’t like it – but that’s the very point of that game.”, said Om and sent a flurry of butterflies towards Little Pixel. “But hey, Little Pixel, forget the future, instead, tell me, what does your heart tell you right now? Does it whisper of curiosity, of adventure? If so, trust that. The game of life is not about knowing everything in advance. It’s about leaping into the unknown and discovering the magic for yourself.”
Little Pixel sat silently for a moment, its tiny soul vibrating with the thrill of the unknown. Then, it leapt to its feet, a smile lighting its face like the dawn. “Yes, I’ll go! Let me feel what it’s like to forget who I am, to fear that I might never come back home again. It sounds so strange, so silly, so certainly it’s some big, wonderful joke. After all, I KNOW I’m eternal, I know I’ll come home, how bad could one trip in the human world be?”
And so, Little Pixel began packing for its grandest adventure yet. It didn’t know much about humans–after all, as an animal, it had always kept a safe distance–but its heart danced with excitement. Somewhere deep within, it knew that even in the darkest moments, it would find the guiding light of One Mind and the comforting rumble of Om’s love.
As Little Pixel prepared to enter the tapestry of life on Earth, it smiled, ready to explore the kaleidoscope of emotions, to paint its story with colors it had never known. The great game awaited, and Little Pixel was eager to play.
Produced by Mono Wind with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Image: Design by Mono Wind with elements from Pixabay and Freepik.
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